Coda Octopus Products Ltd.

CodaOctopus® Underwater Inspection System (UIS)

CodaOctopus® Underwater Inspection System (UIS)


Our Underwater Inspection System (UIS) is specifically designed for Port and Harbor security activities, such as reconnaissance and inspection.

Producing Detailed GPS Referenced Underwater Scans


The CodaOctopus® Underwater Inspection System (UIS) is the world's first and only fully integrated 3D/4D sonar system for specialized underwater applications such as maritime security, port and harbor maintenance, search and recovery, and intruder visualization and classification, ship hull inspection. The UIS can also be used to rapidly assess storm damage, locate sunken debris, and provide baseline maps of critical infrastructure.

The UIS is configurable with the range of our sonars starting from the Echoscope PIPE® C500, Echoscope PIPE® Surface to our standard Echoscope PIOE®

Using Echoscope real-time 3D volumetric sonar technology to deliver precise, intuitive, and instantaneous three-dimensional images, the UIS is the only system that is suitable for multiple applications, producing detailed GPS referenced underwater scans in real-time. This simple to use integrated solution allows non-experts to undertake rapid inspections of harbor walls, bulkheads, piers, bridges, pilings, and ship hulls and readily understood and interpret in real time the underwater scene which is being inspected. The system can also be utilized to inspect and clear shipping channels and to image and classify divers and underwater vehicles. 

Alongside the Echoscope sonar, the UIS delivers co-referenced above waterline imagery via a ruggedized waterproof digital video camera for both day and night operation. Immediate GPS data referencing is provided by a pre-calibrated F180® series system, which simultaneously outputs heading and motion data. Each subsystem sensor is connected through our small and light data integrated unit, the 3D Connect, which acts as the hub for fast and rapid deployment, to a mission control laptop running dedicated and intuitive CodaOctopus® Underwater Survey Explorer Professional (USE PRO) topside software.

Complete with a rugged and easily deployed vessel pole mount, the UIS is currently used by law enforcement agencies, military organizations, and port security operatives as a means to have fast access to high definition subsea data for decision-making purposes.

Features & Benefits

  • Lower port operating costs through preventive berth maintenance
  • Accurate decision making from real-time high resolution imagery
  • Reduce construction project risk through safety and costs benefit
  • Continuity of port operations by lowering unscheduled disruptions
  • Enhanced security by easier identification of threats

Choose a Product that Fits Your Needs

UIS Surface
  • Echoscope PIPE® Surface
  • 3D Connect 5G
  • F280® Series
  • Echoscope® Air LIDAR
  • CodaOctopus® USE PIPE CORE
  • 4G USE®
UIS Standard
  • Echoscope PIPE® 
  • 3D Connect 5G
  • F280® Series
  • Echoscope® Air LIDAR
  • CodaOctopus® USE PIPE CORE
  • 4G USE
UIS C500
  • Echoscope PIPE C500
  • 3D Connect 5G
  • F280® Series
  • Echoscope® Air LIDAR
  • CodaOctopus® USE PIPE CORE
  • 4G USE

Round-the-Clock Support

Dedicated to enhanced customer service and support, TEAM members access a range of benefits alongside unsurpassed 24x7 technical support. Additionally, Coda Octopus offers on-site training for the products and Through Life Support for extended support that goes beyond regular service level support and warranties.

Request a Quote

With expertise in supplying leading-edge software and hardware solutions within our 3D, MOTION and GEO range of products, Coda Octopus has built a reputation of delivering quality solutions and after sales technical support. Contact us to request a quote on our products and services for premier underwater technologies

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