Coda Octopus Products Ltd.




4G USE® is a multi-deployment and multi-sensor platform allowing for comprehensive integration of all data sources, visualization, and processing.


4G USE® Our New Generation of Multi-Deployment and Multi-Sensor Software Platform for Real Time 3D Acquisition and Visualization

Coda Octopus is pleased to announce the release of its new generation of software - a multi-deployment and multi-sensor platform for comprehensive integration of all data sources.  4G USE® is an enterprise class software package which allows control of, and processing of data from, multiple sonars and other sensors on different physical platforms enabling multiple subscribers of the live 3D data to independently view and process the 3D data in real time with parallel and sequential real time data output.     

4G USE® is at the heart of its capability a multi-deployment and multi-sensor platform allowing for comprehensive integration of all data sources, visualization, and processing.

4G USE® introduces a number of new capabilities, which include:

  • Multi-Platform, Multi-Sensor with common or individual Position and Motion data
  • Multiple Independent Data Windows
  • Multiple Data Subscribers in real time
  • Multiple Sensors Visual consolidation or individual views
  • Above and Below waterline Sensor Fusion
  • Full integration with Coda Octopus’ 3D software products for viewing and processing data acquired in 4G USE®
  • Sequencer which allows up to 10 sequences to be pre-programmed using different real time 3D acoustic data captures with different acoustic and processing parameters such as frequency, pulse length, TVG, transmit and receive gain.

Round-the-Clock Support

Dedicated to enhanced customer service and support, TEAM members access a range of benefits alongside unsurpassed 24x7 technical support. Additionally, Coda Octopus offers on-site training for the products and Through Life Support for extended support that goes beyond regular service level support and warranties.

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With expertise in supplying leading-edge software and hardware solutions within our 3D, MOTION and GEO range of products, Coda Octopus has built a reputation of delivering quality solutions and after sales technical support. Contact us to request a quote on our products and services for premier underwater technologies

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