Survey Engine® Automatic Object Detection Package (SEADP) Version 2.6

Coda Octopus is pleased to announce the release of Version 2.6 of our Survey Engine® Automatic Object Detection Package (SEADP).

SEADP version 2.6 includes significant enhancements to our Automatic Detection Engine based on customer feedback.

SEADP now includes two software modes for users to choose between:

  • Mode 1: Specialized size-based mode that is optimized for either objects less than or equal to 1m, or to objects larger than 1m. Selecting a size-based mode results in improved detections and measurements for the chosen size compared to mode 2.
  • Mode 2: Generic software mode with no specific size selected. This mode will detect objects of all sizes but may detect fewer, smaller objects that are less than 1m in size compared to mode 1.

With our recent improvements, the SEADP automatic detection algorithm is now able to detect 5,000 boulders in 5km of data within 5 minutes. We thank our customers who have worked with us on the enhancements and refinements introduced to SEADP. This engagement with our valued customers continues to be very important for ensuring this product delivers maximum benefits and returns to our users based on user-led requirements.                

SEADP 2.6 is compatible with Survey Engine versions 6.6 and above. For more information on how to purchase SEADP, please contact a member of our sales team here or using the button below. For full release notes, please contact   

About Survey Engine®

Survey Engine software suite is our sidescan and sub-bottom post-processing, interpretation, QC and reporting package.  We have automated a number of our interpretation processes including Automatic Boulder Detection and Seabed Classification to deliver reduced interpretation times on data sets.

For more information on our end-to-end suite of geophysical products, please contact our sales team.